Movie-goers are always waiting for that next movie that will make their jaws drop faster than a plane with no fuel. These upcoming movies are not only worth waiting months for, but are films that have been on the waiting list for many movie-lovers. Most of them are part of successful franchises like the Iron Man series and Fast & Furious.

Movies have never been more anticipated than the ones on this list and there's a little preview of some of the blockbuster hits!

(These dates are based on the US release dates)

March 19th: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

March 27th: GI Joe: Retaliation. Trailer:

March 29th: The Host

April 12th: Scary Movie 5. Trailer:

May 3rd: Iron Man 3. Trailer:

May 17th: Star Trek: Into Darkness

May 24th: Hangover: Part III

May 24th: Fast and Furious 6. Trailer:

June 14th: Man of Steel. Trailer:

June 21st: World War Z. Trailer:

June 28th: Kick-Ass 2

July 3rd: Despicable Me 2. Trailer:

July 12th: Grown Ups 2. Trailer:

July 26th: The Wolverine. Trailer:

July 31st: The Smurfs 2. Trailer:

August 2nd: 300: Rise of an Empire

August 2nd: RED 2

August 16th: Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

September 6th: Riddick

November 8th: Thor 2: The Dark World. Trailer:

November 22nd: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

December 13th: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaugh

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