The Mercedes-Benz M-Class has claimed the AUTO BILD Design Awards 2012 title of the most attractive vehicle in the SUV/Vans/All-wheel drive category, in a poll by leading German car magazine, AUTO BILD with the majority of 100,000 reader votes. The win demonstrated the readers' appreciation of the trend-setter's characteristically striking design, which effortlessly matches power with sophistication.

Commenting on the awards, Frank Bernthaler, Director, Sales and Marketing, Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Middle East and Levant, said, "After more than 125 years, the three pointed star continues to draw the highest praises and admiration from those with a deep appreciation for design and innovation. These highly respected awards from both industry experts and consumers further assert our position as luxury automotive design leader in a highly competitive segment."

For more information, check out their website.

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