It's that time of the year again. It's time for WHITExpo's annual Ramadan exhibition. The event has become one of Kuwait's most anticipated shopping expos. With some of the most original designers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs showcasing their products and services, it's no wonder the event has become nothing short of fabulous, and attracts swarms of people daily.

This year's expo will take place from Sunday 29th July to Tuesday 31st July 2012 in 360 Mall's exhibition hall. Opening hours are 8pm – 1am.

Check out  WhiteExpo's promo video below, based on the Make a Wish Tree (this year's theme), directed by Kuwaiti filmmaker and chef Faisal Al Nashmi.

PS. We interviewed Faisal Al Nashmi for our 3rd Issue "The Entertainment Issue" so be sure to check it out!

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