Parents are always stuck in a rut during the summer, not knowing what to do with their kids if they weren't traveling. That's why we're always happy when new summer camps pop up because it means there are more things to do for children. One of these camps is Leaders.

Leaders is a camp for kids who are looking to have the best summer. It’s full of fun activities and hobbies that all kids will enjoy including music, art, cooking, dodge ball, drama, dancing, cinema, gardening, board games, beach activities, swimming, and so much more.

Twice a week, there are fieldtrip days (such as to a private waterpark in Abu Hulaifa, and to Seashell Resort in Julai'a). Furthermore, every child will have a project that he/she would work on throughout the week. These projects will be displayed in an exhibition at the end of the camp.

The camp is open for boys and girls ages 3 – 13 and will start from June 17 – July 12. The hours are from 9:00 am until 1:30 pm on regular (non-field trip) days. The camp will be located in the Fit4Fun Academy.

Leaders camp will have a professional nurse on site at all times. Breakfast and snacks are free. There are over 30 staff members who will be looking after your children; each age group will have 1 supervisor and every group will have around 4-5 counsellors.

If you have any questions, contact them on (+965) 99686053 or (+965) 99686092 or you can email them on

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