Recently we had the opportunity to discover luxury online retailer Dadu Luxe, who specialize in creating unforgettable shopping experiences for Fashionista's across the Middle East.
Upon receiving the initial invite to meet with Selina Neri, CEO of Dadu Luxe, we were intrigued as to how this online luxury fashion boutique stood apart from the rest of the market. Shopping online is certainly not new, yet something told us Dadu Luxe had something else to offer. When we met the Italian born and raised Neri, we instantly relaxed in the company of her naturally laid back, educated approach to business balanced with her sophisticated style.
After briefing us on the history of the company, how a happy introduction to the Saudi Arabian founder Dur Fayez lead to a flourishing business partnership and friendship, Neri explained how Dadu Luxe allows their elite customers to make the most of online shopping.
On the traditional side women can view and purchase straight from the website. Each item is carefully described and details of the fitting provided to ensure a smooth experience. However, the most exciting aspect of Dadu Luxe is the off screen, exclusive events held in private homes in the Gulf. Here women can see and feel the clothes during a VIP shopping experience with stylists who have experience from the top couture houses of the world.
Understanding the importance of collaboration, Dadu Luxe held an event with Monolo Blanik on June 25th, 2014 in Jeddah, KSA. With over 500 women attending and 800 pairs of shoes including exclusive pieces from the designer himself. This example of the personal experience Dadu Luxe offers has elevated the luxury shopping experience beyond anticipation and despite only launching recently, Dadu Luxe is already anticipating a busy year in 2015. New designers will be added as well as broadening the types of clothing and accessories offered in addition to several exciting collaborations.
To find out more about Dadu Luxe and book your personal shopping experience, visit
– Lucy Moore