Feeling a bit down? No worries! Meet Nabhan Abdullatif, an Omani graphic artist that can easily plant a smile on your face as soon as you take a glimpse at his quirky illustrations.

Nabhan is mainly into conceptual illustration and vector art, and it certainly is easy to notice that throughout his simplistic style and minimalistic approach. Not only are his little characters/figures adorable, they surely do connect with the viewer through a comedic approach as well.

For example, Nabhan would illustrate everyday life puns and phrases in a literal way, which makes his artwork automatically relatable and familiar to the viewer’s mind. Also, Nabhan’s illustrations seem to be highly inspired by Japanese cartoons and the vector style that he uses is a prominent element that adds on to that idea in a successful way.

Personally speaking, seeing a little bit of humor in art is extremely delightful and energizing. Sometimes it’s good to not take things so seriously, take a break, and smile! I hope I can see more of this element throughout the art world.

Which illustration made you smile? Let us know!

Visit Nabhan's deviantART page to view more posters and you can also buy his shirts right here.






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