Dalalid_Grand_Avenues_076During the past couple of months, I've been hearing the same name repeatedly popping up in women's conversations: Dalal Al Doub. Eager to find out who this was, I inquired as to who this "Dalal" was, and what was it exactly that she does. A friend directed be to an Instagram account, and lo and behold, there she was.

It turned out that Dalal Al Doub, also known as @dalalid, is a popular Kuwaiti beauty and fashion blogger – so popular in the Instagram world that she has over 138,778 followers (and counting!).

On her Instagram account, she shares with her followers a variety of personal beauty and makeup advice, and of course, many fashion tips along the way.

We wanted to know more about this beautiful and exciting personality so we had a quick chat with Al Doub to learn more about her passion and how it all started…

Introduce yourself to our readers…

I’m @Dalalid, fashion and makeup blogger, my blog reflects my sense of fashion and my love for makeup.

How did you start out in the world of beauty?

I was in love with makeup since I was a kid, watching YouTube tutorials, taking makeup courses and constantly facing the mirror for countless hours creating new makeup styles. With that passion and with practicing, I became really good at applying makeup to myself. After the constant compliments from people asking me to give them makeup courses, I decided to create my blog.

Who inspired your makeup technique?

Everything around me inspires me, the colors of the elements around me have a serious influence on my makeup colors. Like for example, my last inspiration was from the color of an event invitation I received.

How would you describe your signature look?

I love the classic look that depends on the eyeliner as the main element. Since I constantly change the look of my style, I use a different eyeliner color every time, which is what sets my makeup apart from others.


What is the best beauty advice you can give to women?

The secret and the most important thing to applying perfect makeup to your face is the skin. Try to make sure that it is healthy and clean all the time. Drink lots of water, NEVER sleep with your makeup on, and try to visit a facialist from time to time to make sure your skin is healthy.

 What's in the future for Dalal?

More makeup posts and tips on the blog, makeup courses, and a couple of surprises that I’m working on for all my fans.

You can view Dalal Al Doub's fashion and beauty blog by visiting www.dalalid.com and follow her on Instagram on www.instagram.com/dalalid

– Fajer Al Farsi

Images courtesy of Dalal Al Doub

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