Today I bring you a new website I have stumbled upon last month. Trakt lets you keep track of all TV shows and movies you watch. You can mark every episode/show and movie as seen once you’ve watched it or add it to your collection once you download it. There is also a watch list which is like a wish list for the shows and movies you would like to start watching at some point. The website has a lovely user interface and lets you add friends to see what they have been watching, what they like and dislike by either visiting their profile or just viewing the activity feed.

Then there's the calendar page, you can view what episodes will be shown on each day of the week or even see what new shows or seasons will be premiered. Under the charts page you can keep track of what shows, episodes and movies are the most watched every day to see what is trending. Now what is most interesting about this website is that it will show you how much time you have wasted in front of the tube which can be a wakeup call, I have wasted around 23 weeks of my life… and counting.

The best thing Trakt offers to its users is that if you watch your shows and movies through a media center with the Trakt add-on, the media center will ask you to rate the episode and will then automatically mark it as watched on the website. This way you will never miss an episode again and will never waste time trying to remember which episode you have left to see. They also have integrations with apps on Android and Windows phone, and hopefully iOS integration is coming soon.

– Wael M. Hazzazi

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