Mark your calendars, get your running shoes ready, and join us on November 12th to support a truly great cause. RunQ8 is back for its sixth year, to continue fulfilling its mission to support children with disabilities.
Organized by Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute (FSRI), RunQ8 has become one of Kuwait’s most prominent charity sporting events, attracting more than 1,800 participants last year.

The annual event aims to raise awareness and funds to support FSRI’s Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CERC), a non-profit pediatrics facility, providing specialized and multi-disciplinary treatment and care for children with disabilities – including rehab for physical injuries, developmental disorders, speech, language, and swallowing difficulties, behavioral difficulties, learning disabilities, and much more.

Proceeds from RunQ8 go towards enabling CERC to continue providing specialized quality care for children who otherwise may not get access to the care they need. The majority of raised funds are used to help families suffering from financial difficulties, providing them with treatment at a subsidized lower cost, or even for free in some cases.

This year, RunQ8 is offering two chipped race distances – a 5km or 10km – and is open to people of all ages and fitness levels. For those unable to run a marathon, no problem! You can walk, jog or just stroll.
Registration is now open, and participants can sign up via the official website. You can also call FSRI (at 25720338 or 25721757) for more information, and don’t forget to follow runq8official and fsri on Instagram to get the latest news and updates.

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