GlassPoint Solar, the leading supplier of solar to the oil and gas industry, today announced it was named as one of the World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers, a selection of the world’s most innovative companies. GlassPoint was selected by an expert committee for its development of a solar energy solution that delivers low-cost steam used to produce crude oil more sustainably and economically.

President and Chief Executive of GlassPoint, Roger MacGregor, labeled this opportunity as an “honor to be recognized and selected alongside some of the most innovative companies in the world.” By integrating alternative and traditional energy, he believes the world could be a cleaner place. GlassPoint was further recognized by Fulvia Montroesor, Head of Technology Pioneers at the World Economic Forum, who credited GlassPoint to have been one of the leading pioneers “to shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” The company was chosen for its driving efforts in solar


The company was chosen for its driving efforts in solar steam generators to produce steam for the process of extracting heavy oil, which replaces natural gas typically burned to generate steam. GlassPoint is paving great opportunities for deploying solar power into the oil and gas industries.

Within a short time span, GlassPoint became one of the fasted growing solar companies in the world. In the past five years alone, it has come from commissioning the world’s first commercial solar enhanced oil recovery project to building one of the largest solar projects of any kind – Mirrah. In partnership with Petroleum Development Oman, GlassPoint intends Mirrah to generate in excess of one gigawatt of solar thermal energy. Once complete, Mirrah will reduce emissions by 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year, the equivalent of removing 63,000 cars from the road. This project will generate 6,000 tons of solar steam each day for oil production, saving 5.6 trillion British Thermal units of natural gas each year. The road is long and winding, but the company’s proven technology demonstrates the massive opportunity for the traditional and renewable energy industries to work together and develop economically viable solutions to today’s energy challenges. GlassPoint will have no problem thriving in the 21st century.

For more information visit their website.

– Bassam N. Bassam

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