Are you visiting Sharjah or even living there? If so, don't forget to visit the #sharjah1000 event.

#sharjah1000 is a community outreach initiative conceived and organized by Reem Saeed, which challenged social media users to post photographs of Sharjah on Instagram over the period of one month. Seventy participants took part of the challenge, reaching the target of 1000.

The event's goal is to highlight and signify Sharjah's everyday naturalistic beauty and urbanized environment. It helps the viewer have a pure perspective of this particular city since people are taking pictures all around the city in this very moment. I would call this movement or event "Instant Art." "Instant Art" is extremely doable since we have so many apps and programs such as Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. Thank you technology!

Honestly, I would love to see something like this movement going on in cities all around the world. It's truly delighting to see art in it's truest forms. No sugar-coating!

Would you want to have an event like this going on in your city?

#sharjah1000 will be on display from June 21 – August 10, 2014 at Building H, SAF Art Spaces.

For more information, visit

Map to SAF Art Spaces-1


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