Once Removed is the title of the exhibition by Kevork Mourad that is going to be held at the Contemporary Art Platform from the 12th of May till the 11th of June in The Art Room from 7-9 pm.

Born in Syria and from an American origin, Mourad received his MFA in 1996 from the Yerevan Institute of Fine Arts in Armenia. The painter and visual performer have had his art in various solo shows which include Gallery Z, Sasoontsi Gallery and many more. His first experiment in the technique of live visual performance that became his defining medium started with the Gyumri biennial, in which he performed with trombonist David Minassian.

Divided IV, 2014, Acrylic on Linen, 50 x 60 cm

According to Amy Rosenberg, “Kevork Mourad’s paintings carry a sense of history, each one describing a timeline from the ancient past to the abstract future and containing suggestions of the conflict, violence, sadness, passion, and, for better or for worse, humanity that define the course of that timeline. As often as not, the timeline as Mourad envisions it is a vertical one, the abstract and more concrete elements of history piling up on one another like an unstoppable vortex, as in Carved History.

Don't miss out on his exhibition, for more information visit ww.capkuwait.com

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