Emirati filmmaker Abdulrahman Al Madani has produced a short documentary film about the gamboo3a. "What hideous word," you may think and yes it is and I had no idea what a gamboo3a was until I watched Abdulrahman's short film. The gamboo3a is a creation by women which is a somewhat large object placed inside a veiled women's head to give the illusion of a cone-head and for some bizarre reason, women step out in public with a gamboo3a with the utmost confidence which can start one hell of a debate.

Abdulrahman Al Madani has taken all of this and made a short film about the odd head piece. Interviews with students, the process of putting it on, and all the unbelievable objects that women use to get the look.

Watch the full 'The Gamboo3a Revolution' by Abdulrahman Al Madani below and let us know what you think!

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