Aren't macarons such beautiful pieces of art that you want to place gently in your hand and caress until they go into your mouth that by the time you've had your 23rd one you realize you have multi-colored teeth?

Good day, pupils. How's March treating you? The weather can't get any better (hope I didn't just jinx it), coffee tastes better every day but there are things that never change. Three divas ordering food at the office which totally kills since I can't have any because of that four letter word that rhymes with 'riot'. I'm on 14 kilos so I really don't want to ruin anything but MAN does the food look so yummy and the smell goes all the way into my brain cells!

What makes dieting even more painful is the fact that I'm not getting any sleep and by the way I'm writing this column with this face on (o.O) and coffee doesn't seem to have any effect on me so I need new solutions. Help? Try a new coffee house? Nothing drastic though – no pills, needles, or tooth picks to keep my eyes opened.

A person I always take pleasure in writing about in Man Outnumbered is X-Grande Latte because of her always outgoing and friendly attitude, and of course her stories which never get  dull.

This week she went back to her roots, a side we never thought she had, a language she speaks so fluently that one day she will fall in love with Jean-Pierre in the South of France.

I kinda gave it away, didn't I? X-Grande Latte was all French during an event where she met Christian Louboutin and he was probably as surprised as we were when she spoke French so beautifully.

"Bonsoir monsieur Louboutin. Comment êtes-vous? Mon nom est Latte et j'adore vos chaussures." She didn't say that exactly but something along the lines I'd think. All that matters is that X-Grande Latte had a 'grand temps.'

I was invited to review a restaurant this week and I skipped lunch knowing that I was going to taste four incredible dishes from the hands of a renowned Italian chef. I expected divine and mouthwatering dishes. Unfortunately, all I got was a bowl of 'Spaghetti O's' and airplane food.. and I CAN'T STAND airplane food.

What confused me a lot was 'Green Sauce'. On the menu it said 'Filetto di Manzo e Salsa Verde'. How am I supposed to know that it's not just mashed up peas, broccoli and cucumber and other green stuff? It tasted like grass! It sucked that I skipped lunch for this but oh well, now that I had experienced it, I know not to skip lunch for a fancy dinner ever again.

How about we end this column on a high note? I'm losing weight faster than Justin Bieber losing his masculinity. Oh wait, he never had any. Never mind, bad comparison. I'm losing weight faster than Taylor Swift meeting her next soon-to-be ex.

Here's a quote by Alexander Woolcott which some of you may agree to: "All the things I really like are either immoral, illegal or fattening."

Till then chaps!

Adnan Al-Timimi is the only male editor in the female dominated Khaleejesque workspace. Follow Adnan’s column to know more about his unique experience in this unusual territory.

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