Launched earlier by Dubai Ladies Club and Dubai SME, the agency of the Department of Economic Development, 'Studio 9' is the first business incubation centre for young Women Entrepreneurs in the UAE.

According to Abdul Baset Al Janahi, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai SME,  UAE Female Nationals form at least 45% of small and medium-sized enterprises that fall under Dubai SME; which is a significant number, almost half of all the small and medium-sized enterprises Dubai SME keeps track of.

'Studio 9', which has just begun to accept applicants, will provide an ideal working environment for aspiring young UAE national women, and aid in creating as well as developing small and medium business projects.  The Centre will act as a nurturing place to start their own private business and secure all the support they need to effectively manage and grow their enterprises, at a reasonable cost.

On the occasion, Muna Bin Kalli, Executive Director of Dubai Ladies Club, said, “‘Studio 9’ has been established as a more than a mere business centre. It is intended to be educational launch program that will provide participants with a business network that offers support for every aspect of their business operation going forward. The tenants will have the opportunity to work with business experts and fellow entrepreneurs to clearly define a pathway for their company’s growth. They will learn the strategic skills needed to run a growing business and use their own business as their case study.”

Admission to the incubation program requires completion of a short-form application that can be requested by email to

– Khaleejesque Staff Writer

Image: Victor1558

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