Loved our post on Ramadan commercials? Well here are some more creative ads airing on our TV's in Kuwait. Zain did a great a job on stealing the spotlight but we can't say they didn't deserve it. Enjoy and let us know which one is your favorite!

Bayan Dental Center – Soosa

This dental commercial is one you cannot miss! Singing, dancing and, talking about cavities. Curious? You'll surely be singing along after your first view.


Chocolateness – Maza Haza?

We can't hide the fact that this ad has a song as catchy as Call Me Maybe. Some people think it's annoying and even though it has a love/hate relationship with its viewers, we think it's worth a watch, don’t you?


McDonalds – Allahuma Inee Sayim

The world's favorite fast-food chain. This McDonalds ad will show you how Ramadan can make your day hectic and can even go as far as forgetting your fasting. But we all survive in the end.


Zain's Community Service Ads

This year, Zain went with idea of spreading the word about much needed community actions such as driving, smoking, cleaning the country, and how a queue must be respected. Of course, there's always that one Zain ad that tells you how "wonderful" the company is.




Keeping Kuwait Clean:

Good vs. Wonderful:



Kuwait's favorite food source. Have a choice of American, Chinese, Italian, Lebanese and other kinds of foods. What do you do when you're tired of all the same type of food you have at home?


Fast Telco

Fast Telco outshines themselves this Ramadan and after seeing this ad, you won't disagree. Creating people who literally lag is brilliant and the ad truly stands out from all the rest.

– Adnan Al-Timimi

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