A ship made out of plastic?

No, it’s no joke, there actually is one.

Better yet, it sailed half-way across the world from San Francisco,USA to Australia.

Born as an idea by Adventure Ecology- a unique initiative with a mission to educate, entertain and raise awareness of environmental and social issues whilst driving innovative real world solutions-, the Plastiki (ship’s name) was inspired by a report issued by the UNEP called ‘Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Deep Waters and High Seas’ and Thor Heyerdahl’s epic 1947 expedition, The Kon-Tiki. Made out of recycled plastic and plastic waste, the Plastiki set out on a compelling and pioneering expedition not only to inform, but captivate, activate and educate the world that waste is fundamentally  a form of inefficient design.

The Plastiki began her adventure nearly four years ago to combat as well as shed the light on the following facts; some of which we think you might not be aware of:

– It is estimated that almost all of the marine pollution in the world is comprised of plastic materials. The average proportion varied between 60% and 80% of total marine pollution.

– In many regions, plastic materials constitute as much as 90 to 95% of the total amount of marine debris.

– Scientists estimate that every year at least 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die when they entangle themselves in plastic pollution or ingest it.

– According to Project Aware, 15 billion pounds of plastic are produced in the U.S. every year, and only 1 billion pounds are recycled. It is estimated that in excess of 38 billion plastic bottles and 25 million Styrofoam cups end up in landfill and although plastic bottles are 100% recyclable, on average only 20% are actually recycled.

Accordingly, the Plastiki's mission  is essentially to  encourage the  world to reduce, reuse, recycle and  rethink more of the planets natural  resources; it’s  about delivering a  spectacular global “Message in a Bottle”.

Here are some exciting facts about the Plastiki Ship  itself:

– The Plastiki is engineered almost entirely from  12,500 reclaimed  plastic bottles that provide 68% of  the boat’s buoyancy.

– The mast is a reclaimed aluminum irrigation pipe.

– The one-of-a-kind sail is hand-made from recycled PET cloth.

– The secondary bonding is reinforced using a newly    developed   organic glue made from cashew nuts and  sugar cane.

– The Plastiki is ‘off-the-grid’ relying primarily on renewable  energy systems including; solarpanels, wind and trailing propeller  turbines, bicycle generators, a urine to water recovery and rain  water catchment system and a hydroponic rotating cylinder  garden.


If the Plastiki is not the epitome of recyclable waste, we don't know what is. It's our favorite Eco-Awareness Initiative around.  For more information regarding The Plastiki, check out their website.

– Khaleejesque. Images: The Plastiki's Official Site

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