The relaunch of Khaleejesque has finally arrived!

The entire team is very excited about the relaunch and we just couldn't go live until we finished up all the tiny details to make sure everything looks impeccable. Finally, that day is here!

So what has changed since your last visit? If you have a keen eye, you'll notice that the entire site layout has been changed, making it much easier for you, our readers, to enjoy. We've created three main sections on the homepage, which will highlight the most important and latest articles, as well as a curated selection of popular articles from our archive in the 'In Focus' section. We've also mixed up the categories, so make sure to check out the new additions and sections on the site.

If you're reading this then you've already noticed that we have a new Blog section. Here you can get the latest updates about what the Khaleejesque team is up to, interesting posts from our editors, as well as a few surprise guest bloggers making an appearance now and then.

And maybe you'd like to subscribe to our newsletter? Be sure to sign up to catch up on the latest news and articles, plus a great chance to hear about our new surprises before they happen.

This is just the beginning,  we'll be expanding the site even more in the future to make your Khaleejesque experience much more enjoyable than it already is!

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