What is better than waiting for Kim Kardashian while sipping on different milkshake combos? This is how it was on Thursday 29th of November when Kim Kardashian opened Millions of Milkshakes at The Avenues in Kuwait. It took months of planning, and waiting, so you can imagine how excited the crowd was when she first arrived.
The press arrived at 2:30 at Millions of Milkshakes, they had the chance to socialize, take pictures of the store and the pink carpet, while the chef of Millions of Milkshakes circled around with different milkshake combos for us to try and keep us energized.
By 3:30 everyone got the news, and rushed to The Avenues where Kim got stuck in traffic which sadly made our wait longer.
But who knew that getting a picture with Kim Kardashian is a fight-for-your-life kind of a mission! This is how it was when Kim first arrived to The Avenues; teenagers got extra excited pushing through the barriers fighting their way through to take a picture and get a chance to meet her. This caused a bit of a commotion, it made the press and bloggers uncomfortable, they didn’t have the chance to get any photos for their coverage.
Millions of Milkshakes is located at the Grand Avenues and serves plenty of milkshake blends and frozen yoghurt as well. Just make sure you go there with an empty stomach and a sugar craving!
– Nehal KIH