The future is here and you will be able to live it very, very soon!

JIBO is the world’s first family robot created by Cynthia Breazeal, who is the director of the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Laboratory. JIBO can see, hear, speak, learn, help, and relate; and through all of these skills: He can act as your assistant by reminding you of important tasks and events by speaking to you; recognize the members of the household, take photos, turn around and look at people, and enable video calling using his 2 high-resolution cameras; tell stories to the little kids using sound effects, graphics, and physical movements; communicate with you emotionally through his 360° microphones in your own language; and the best part of all is that JIBO can learn your preferences through his artificial intelligence algorithms to perfectly adapt to your everyday life.

The developer version of JIBO will be released in late 2015, the consumer version in December 2015, and the full public release will be in early 2016.

– Ayat Abdulla

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