There's always something new to look forward to every year. A better job? That trip to Rome? Going down a couple of sizes? Yes, those points are very important and so many of us have them as goals and future achievements but the year of 2014 has even more significant importance. There's always an epic Hollywood movie to anticipate, world events like the FIFA World Cup, and for all you nerdy gadget fans, there's that as well. We compiled a list of 8 Reasons to Look Forward to 2014 so read below and let us know which one you're really looking forward to!

1) Game of Thrones

Those who were hooked on the show like a fish on bait have been waiting months and months for the new season. If you're like me, you've only been waiting a couple. Who else can't wait for season 4?

2) Movies

There are so many anticipated movies waiting for release in the new year. A new Transformers flick, an X-Men film, Spiderman 2, Captain America, and probably other superhero movies. Don't you just love the movies?

3) FIFA World Cup

In Brazil. Those two words sound so well together. A football fanatic myself, I cannot wait for the kickoff on June 12th to be exact and hopefully the Spaniards can win it again and be the first country to win 4 major tournaments in a row. Who are you cheering for?

4) Obamacare

LOL. From all the monologues from all the different talk shows, I thought I'd laugh about it here too. HAHA.

5) Car Releases

BMW have an electric bug coming out next year as do Volkswagen and Peugeot. The new 911 Turbo is also expected to be put into production and released into our garages but the new Lexus LF-CC concept is one I'm really looking forward too. Hopefully we can slash off 'concept' by the new year.

6) Technology & Gadgets

Google Glass! Because using your phone and phone camera is too mainstream. For all you space nerds out there, there's a solar aircraft that will circumnavigate the globe so maybe you'll know that means because I really don't. The introduction of many smart watches will be seen next year. The Samsung Note 3 should make its debut so technology has a lot to offer in 2014.

7) Winter Olympics in Russia

What better place to have the Winter Olympics than Russia? The land of ballet and freezing cold weather, Russia hosts the Winter Olympics for the very first time in February.

8) Electronic Entertainment Expo – E3

For the gamers out there, you may want to book a trip to Los Angeles in June if you want to be part of the best gaming experience you can possibly imagine.

– Adnan Al-Timimi

Featured image: FIFA

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