TheAttackZiad Doueiri’s film, The Attack, is currently being screened in the US and has been a matter of controversy in the Arab world. This film was filmed in Israel and Palestine and is based on the Algerian author Yasmina Khadra’s novel revolving around a young Palestinian doctor, Amin Jaafari, who managed to blend into the upper strata of Israeli society. Though he is of Palestinian origin, Amin works at a respected hospital in Tel Aviv alongside Israeli coworkers, whom he communicates with in fluent Hebrew.

Jaafari seemed to have it all, up until an attack takes Tel Aviv by storm. His wife, Sihem, is identified as the culprit of a suicide bombing on a school bus full of Israeli children, and Jaafari’s high life gets put on hold as he slowly learns that he may have never knew his wife. As skeptical as Jaafari was at first, he ends up travelling to Palestine in search of answers.

This film has been banned in Doueiris native Lebanon, as well as through the Arab region. The trailer below shows you a glimpse of this rich film, which sheds a new light on the Iraeli- Palestinian conflict.

– Lulwa Alhammad

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